Guidance for Business Partners

Our compliance policies and practices for business associates


The New York Proton Center (NYPC) has Guidance for Business Partners that is intended to familiarize business associates with NYPC’s policies and practices regarding compliance with laws and regulations governing its operations. NYPC values the vital contribution that business partners make to the high quality of care that our organizations provide.

Business Ethics

Business Ethics Integrity is a key principle for the selection and retention of those who do business with NYPC.

NYPC expects its business partners to pursue the best interests of NYPC, as well as the patients and communities we serve.

Business partners are expected to:

  • Operate in compliance with all applicable legal requirements.
  • Never pursue any business opportunity or relationship which would compromise the ethical standards or violate a law or regulation of NYPC.
  • Respect the rights and dignity of NYPC employees and patients. NYPC will not tolerate any form of abuse, harassment or intimidation in the workplace. Harassment or illegal discrimination of any kind is unacceptable.
  • Protect the physical and intellectual property of NYPC and any assets entrusted to their care against loss, theft, destruction, misappropriation and misuse.
  • Not use for personal gain any information obtained as a business partner of NYPC.
  • Comply with all relevant government requirements regarding record, document, and data treatment and retention, including the confidentiality of medical records and other proprietary information.
  • Report suspected violation of any law, regulation or policy to the Compliance Officer of the facility with which the business partner has a relationship. Retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, reports such violations will not be permitted.

Sections of the NYPC Code of Conduct are specifically applicable to vendors.

Gifts and Business Courtesies

NYPC employees may not solicit, accept, offer or give any gift or business courtesy that may improperly influence the employee’s decision-making. Decisions are to be made in an objective, unbiased manner that are free of improper conflict of interest and are in the best interest of the NYPC organization. No purpose of any gift or business courtesy may be to induce the referral of a patient or the ordering of a service paid for by a governmental healthcare program. No cash or cash equivalents can be offered or accepted. No gift or business courtesy exchanged with an independent physician can be determined in a manner that takes into account the volume or value of referrals or other business generated between the NYPC entity and the independent physician.

If the rules above are not violated, NYPC employees may accept gifts or business courtesies of insubstantial value ($75 or less per gift not to total more than $75 per year). Employees are prohibited from soliciting or asking for tips, personal gratuities, or gifts or business courtesies from patients. Employees may not accept monetary tips or cash from patients or patient representatives.